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Monday, November 17, 2014

Emergency Rescue Pamper Night

Blemishes happen. It's important to take care of your skin and maintain a good cleansing routine, but the occasional spot is inevitable. While I would like to stay at home during a break out, that isn't always possible. Here's my nighttime emergency rescue routine to quickly clear up my skin. This regimen helps deep clean, clear up spots, and repair damaged skin so you can wake up with clearer looking skin.

My first step is to cleanse. I think it's important to stick to a fairly strict cleansing routine so your skin doesn't get too clogged up with different skincare products. I like a small group of really good skincare products that I use regularly and then a few other products that I just use as needed. This Philosophy cleanser is my go-to face wash for everyday use. It keeps my skin clear, so I use this even through a breakout, to keep things consistent and help clear my skin. I've mentioned this product before.

After my skin has been cleansed, I stick on a couple pore strips. This is a combo pack that has both nose and face strips so you can use the rectangular strips anywhere else you're prone to blackheads. I feel like this product helps open your pores so anything you apply after this will really sink in. I hate removing the nose strip but I do think it's worth it. 

This is the star of the show. This tea tree mask is one of my favorite masks of all time. I've done a couple posts about this mask previously because I really love it and I think it works fabulously. I apply a thin layer - you could even just apply it to problem areas - and let it dry. I remove it with a wet cloth and then apply my moisturizer. I love the smell of it, I feel like it truly cleans my skin, and tea tree oil is really amazing for clearing up spots. If I'm having a particularly bad problem area, I'll dab on some straight tea tree oil directly.

After all those combatants, it's important to give some moisture back to your skin and calm it. I use the CeraVe moisturizer when I'm having trouble with my skin. This is a very medicinal and non-irritating product. If you struggle with eczema, this is an excellent moisturizer. It has no fragrance, nothing fancy, just straight moisturizer that's not going to irritate or break out your skin. I think this is a good product to use after you've treated your skin with all these other harsh products. It's easy to overdo it when you're panicking because of a break out, but keeping the other products simple, and focusing on the anti-blemish products can be really beneficial. I also use the YuBe moisturizing skin cream for intense hydration. I typically apply this to my lips, but if I'm suffering from severe dryness due to the weather or as a result of a drying mask or something, I dab on a bit of this. A little bit goes a long way and it works like magic. 

This regimen definitely helps speed up the healing process when you're suffering through a breakout. Unfortunately, there is no magic cure, and it really just takes time for blemishes to clear up, but these products do help at least speed up that (sometimes slow) process. I take some extra time in the evening to pamper my skin, relax, and give my skin some time off. I always feel better in the morning!

What are your go-to products for breakouts? Do you use any preventative products? Let me know below!