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Sunday, January 25, 2015

Sigma Beauty Spa Brush Cleaning Glove Review

It's no secret that I'm a huge Sigma fan. I love their brushes and when I'm in need of a new brush, their site is always my first stop. The quality of their brushes is so high-end but the prices are perfect, and a lot less than MAC, Sephora, etc. I also love the packaging that my Sigma orders come in, and they always send a nice little sample. With my last order, I got this mini sample-sized spa glove. I was a little skeptical at first - do I really need a "spa glove" to clean my brushes? I had been using MAC brush cleaner and my hand for forever... a "spa glove" seemed a little high maintenance and gimmicky to me. Just another product to spend a ton of money on and end up not using. I threw this in a drawer with other minis and samples and forgot all about it.

I discovered this again recently and used it to clean all my brushes and I LOVED it! It really does help get into the brush hairs to clean deeply and thoroughly, and I instantly regretted that I haven't been using it this whole time. This is just the mini, so you don't put your hand into it and it is small - it fits in the palm of my hand. After using it (and loving it) I got online to see how much the full version costs. To be honest, I really did like this product, I think it's a good idea, but I wouldn't want to pay a ton of money for it. Especially since I have this mini - I would be happy just using this one for brush cleaning. On, they have a dual-sided Spa Brush Cleaning Glove (it comes in four colors: purple, pink, turquoise, & black) that you can put your hand into like an oven mitt. It has a "face" side and an "eyes" side with different textured areas: refine, wash, & rinse. It is suggested to use the area between the thumb & fingers to shape the brushes before drying. The full version is $35.

To be honest, I think the price is a bit high, but not so outrageously high that I wouldn't buy it. However, because I have this mini version, I'm definitely not running out to buy the full glove anytime soon. I do think I'd like to have this in my collection, and I do think it is really handy and helpful during the dreaded (but necessary) brush-cleaning time, but I would consider it a wish-list-splurge item. If you're a makeup artist or working in a field where you need to clean a large amount of makeup brushes frequently, this would totally be worth the money. If you just do makeup on yourself and don't have a huge collection of brushes, this isn't a must-have. If you have the mini - try it out and if you really hate cleaning your brushes, this may help motivate you and also speed along the process. 

Overall, I like the idea and I love the product, but I don't love price. It's on my wish list, but if the price came down by even $5 or $10, I would be much happier! Have you guys tried the Sigma Spa Brush Cleaning Glove? Are there are brush cleaning gloves or tools out there? If so, which ones have you tried? 

Until next time! xoxo

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